Wednesday, 19. October 2005

Welcome to our new Weblog


Welcome Dear Tennis Enthusiasts and Völkl Tennis Supporters,

With this note I want to introduce the latest exciting addition to our website, commonly called a “weblog”.

Being the owner of the Völkl Tennis Division for the past six years, I was asked many questions about my involvement at Völkl Tennis. A lot of you were interested in having a look “behind-the-scenes”. Some of you asked questions like: “How do you actually develop a new racquet? What steps do you have to take, from the initial thought process to the actual completion of a racquet? ” You showed interest in many aspects relating to the equipment of professional players. Furthermore it seems that you are quite interested in the differences between daily aspects of your own job and ours here at Volkl Tennis.

I hope that our “weblog” and the various postings from the Völkl staff will offer the answers to your questions and that it will encourage you to visit us more frequently. We will be posting new stories and articles every week, so go ahead and bookmark this page. We will provide behind-the-scenes views and pictures of major worldwide tennis events. We will also inform you about the development of new products and how these are marketed to you.

Simply browse the “weblog” to find out more!

Warm Regards,


Boris Becker (Co-owner of Völkl Tennis GmbH)
Eduardo (guest) - 23. Jan, 11:49

ATP tennis warehouse

What´s the reason, we can´t see the pro´s raquets in Tennis Warehouse (ATP website) when they are using Volkl?
If your visit the sheet of Wilson, Head, etc; your can see the pro´s at left and choosing the photograph, your can see what´s his raquet, but with Volkl there´s nobody, even when we know there are a lot of good players with your raquets.

Eduardo Gavira Crespillo (Sevilla - ESPAÑA)

zak wesche (guest) - 28. Feb, 17:15


Please visite the follwoing site:

i am not sure what you are talking about. the racquets are next to the players!
charles (guest) - 25. Jan, 03:45


Why is it taking so long for Volkl to set up a Web shop so Boris Becker clothing can be bought over the internet?

Emre (guest) - 28. Jan, 19:54


I think the success of volkl is being owned by talented tennis players. Even though they are retired, they continue to serve tennis world. And they know the best for tennis players and they can produce the best tecnology to serve them. That's the key of their success.

Emre (guest) - 28. Jan, 19:55


I think the success of volkl is being owned by talented tennis players. Even though they are retired, they continue to serve tennis world. And they know the best for tennis players and they can produce the best tecnology to serve them. That's the key of their success.

Jesper (guest) - 15. Oct, 23:09


Boris Becker is the only true King of World tennis I wish him and Volkl tennis all the best...

Norman Canter (guest) - 26. Jan, 12:47

Benjamin Becker

What player would better wear your clothes and continue your winning ways than our client, Benjamin Becker. Please contact myelf or Luca Appino at our website.


bojan ristic (guest) - 31. Mar, 06:15

Volkl Clothing Not Availabe In USA


Look, it is an act of Congress to get Volkl clothing in the USA. Yes, there are few web stores that offer SOME item.Let me re-phrase that - there are few internet based stores that carry very few Volkl items. You need to rethink this "Find Dealer" appraoch. Look, the most of the people are busy and don't have time to find a dealer. Even when I find a dealer they don't know what to do about the clothing becuse they don't know what is avaulable from Volkl USA . Furthermore, in this moment there is NO information what clothing Volkl USA is offering to the public and dealers. There are only few photo of the clothing line even on this web page. So, "die-hards" like me have to go on web sites in Germany and pay 40 euros for shipping for shirt or two. That is not right. We need Volkl availabe here. The USA is big market and it would not hurt you to make Volkl clothing easily available. Food for thoughts - try to get Volk wristband online. You would not find any becuse I bought last 2 available. Socks? I bought last 7 pairs available. It is not right, man.

Back in very early eighties when I started playing tennis in eastern Europe (Belegrade. You have played some exibitions there on soccer stadium with the old friend) Volk sticks were only we've ever got. Ever since I play with Volkl. I think they are the best sticks that you can get in tennis. It is time to match those awesome sticks with some easily available good looking clothing.

Greg (guest) - 2. Apr, 21:35

I love Volkl but I am really disappointed with the marketing in the US. I was excited to hear that Klip was going to be marketing Volkl in the US but nothing seems to be happening. No one answers emails and the website is old with the latest news being May 2006. I want to see more of Volkl.

Greg (guest) - 10. Jul, 17:02

Now the US Volkl website is gone. I wish I knew what was going on with Volkl. I don't think anyone at Volkl is listening to us. Very disappointed.
Ani Gottwald (guest) - 29. May, 20:58

Q 10 racket to find in California

Hi, it's me , Ani ! I have worked for Voelkl in Germany for 26 years. Now I live in L.A. CA . A friend asked me where to get a voelkl BB racket here in southern California. Honestly, I do not know. ! where?
So, there are alot of poeple who are interested in buying the Volkl Rackets but they don't know where to find them.

made up name (guest) - 20. Jul, 01:28


G'Day Boris Becker,
I'm from Aussie (Australia)
and I am currently sitting in my classroom and writing a project that has you in it.
Just thought I'd tell you that
Great website

From an anonimous student

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